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Call for Contributions by the IASC 2021 Polycentricity Virtual Conference scheduled on 17-19 May 2021


The IASC 2021 Polycentricity Virtual Conference has released the call for submission of individual presentations, panel discussions and special sessions on topics related to polycentricity. 

The three-day virtual event aims to bring together scholars and practitioners from various sectors, disciplines, and epistemological traditions to help advance our understanding of how polycentric governance works in practice and how we can share knowledge as a diverse research community.

The conference focuses not just on learning about whether and how polycentric governance structures and processes can help improve democratic decision-making and resolution of social problems. It is also increasingly interested in exploring why polycentric governance systems can help policy actors respond to social, political, and environmental change and understand how polycentric systems create (or fail to create) feedback that allows for effective and sustainable adaptation to changing conditions.

There will be six different tracks to which submissions can be made

  1. Top-down, bottom-up & other spatial/temporal scales of analysis of polycentricity
  2. Dynamics of polycentric governance
  3. Polycentricity as a tool to improve governance
  4. Complexity, learning, and democratic participation
  5. Methods for studying complex governance
  6. Polycentricity in practice – challenges and solutions on the ground

The deadline for abstract submission is 03 March 2021.

For more details and submission visit: https://2021polycentricity.iasc-commons.org/


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