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PG Webinar Series continues!


Dear colleagues and members of the Polycentricity Community website,

It is time to announce plans for the future activities of our community platform after a very successful open webinar series on Polycentric governance in the period January – March 2021 and a first, more informal, community-oriented webinar in the beginning of April.

Among all suggestions that we received concerning how to advance we favor the idea of continuing with a monthly, more informal and community-oriented webinar series.
Thus, with this email we would like to announce that we will (re-)start this series on 10 June and that we intend to hold monthly webinars throughout the rest of the year . A number of interested, presenting community members have already signed up and we expect an exciting series in which we want to discuss our research on and conceptions of polycentric governance and how to move the field forward. Additionally, we intend to use these occasions
a) for community wide direct information sharing, and
b) for more informal networking as part of post webinar corridor hangouts. Thus, we want to reserve the first couple of minutes of each webinar to informal sharing of news by the participants and the last 20 – 30 minutes for informal discussions on our subject inspired by the talk we heard.

Throughout the rest of the year, we see this as core activity of the editorial team . In addition, we will reach to those of you who declared interest but also invite further contributors to write blog entries for the website, on their observations, conferences they attended, publications they read and research they plan or advocate. This will be another way to keep the community informed and on its toes.
We urge all of you to IASC virtual polycentricity conference before we meet you online for the next polycentricity community webinar on 10 June 2021 @ 17:00 CEST presented by:
Nelson Jatel, Dr. (cand.), P.Ag. at British Columbia Institute of Agrology and Chief Executive Officer at LRC Consulting Solutions, who will be speaking on “Network Polycentricity research exploring watershed Action Situations”.
Best regards,
Andreas, also on behalf of Arvind, Jens, Renata and Rezaul, the Uni Kassel Editors of the Polycentricity Community website