Home Resources Event Workshop on Polycentricity, Markets and Firms

Workshop on Polycentricity, Markets and Firms


8-9 December 2021 (online)

Organizers: Dustin Garrick (dustin.garrick@uwaterloo.ca) and David Gindis (d.gindis@herts.ac.uk).

Markets have been associated with polycentricity since Michael Polanyi formulated the concept, and this connection was at the heart of the Bloomington School’s analysis of competition in public service industries. Despite this long history, markets have received surprisingly limited attention by scholars of polycentricity during its renaissance over the past 20 years. And in the course of this renaissance, very little attention has focused on firms and other kinds of corporate entities.

The aim of the WINIR Workshop on Polycentricity, Markets and Firms is to advance concepts related to polycentricity (multiple decision-making centres, patterns of competitive and cooperative interactions, overarching set of norms and rules, multiplicity of evaluative criteria, and so on) to address conceptual and empirical questions pertaining to both the design and evolution of markets and the nature and governance of firms. The workshop will also address more general questions related to the scope and limits of centralization and decentralization in market economies.

Scholars from diverse disciplinary backgrounds interested in advancing theory and empirical research on these topics are welcome.

The workshop will take place online (Zoom). Registration information coming soon.

Participation: free, open to all.

More details on schedule, abstracts and author bios are available at https://winir.org/?page=workshops&side=polycentricity_2021