Home Calls Registration Open: Workshop on Polycentricity, Markets and Firms

Registration Open: Workshop on Polycentricity, Markets and Firms


Registrations for the Workshop on Polycentricity, Markets and Firms is now Open

To browse the event and register go to https://events.zoom.us/ev/AOZpiKDNhbMK5iiifo-QeAL_pj0cudY2t1-3z2P0hOekgoW4ETb_k63FkBmBc0HTXHZ5GtY?lmt=1637610873000

Please note that to register you will need to sign in to Zoom. If you have never registered with Zoom, you will be prompted to do so (the Zoom account is free). For security reasons, to join the event you will need to sign in using the same email address.

For Inquiries contact workshop organisers: Dustin Garrick (dustin.garrick@uwaterloo.ca) and David Gindis (d.gindis@herts.ac.uk). 

For technical problems (at the registration stage or when joining the event on the day), please contact Massimo Giannuzzi 
(massimo@itsorted.org.uk or call +44(0)7795 257849 on the day).