Home Resources Event WINIR Conference on “Polycentric Governance & the Challenges of the 21st Century”

WINIR Conference on “Polycentric Governance & the Challenges of the 21st Century”


The WINIR Conference on Polycentric Governance & the Challenges of the 21st Century will be held online over the course of four consecutive afternoons from Tuesday 6 to Friday 9 September 2022 between roughly 12pm and 6.30pm UK time (UTC+1). Over 200 participants from 29 countries spread across 6 continents are expected.

We are pleased to release the conference programme: https://winir.org/?page=conferences&side=winir_2022&sub=programme.

We are very much looking forward to the keynote lectures by Elizabeth Baldwin (University of Arizona, USA), Tine de Moor (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands) and Harini Nagendra (Azim Premji University, India). There will also be a closing panel with the three keynote speakers. These four sessions will be recorded and videos will be made available on our website and YouTube channel after the conference.

The remainder of the conference comprises 47 sessions, including 6 roundtables organized around exciting recently published or forthcoming books and edited volumes. These sessions will not be recorded.

We will also have our first WINIR membership meeting in some time (the last one took place in Lund in September 2019). The meeting will focus on WINIR strategy and is open to all attendees. The Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Institutional Economics, Geoff Hodgson, will announce the 2022 Elinor Ostrom Prize and the Reviewer of the Year Award at the meeting. The meeting will not be recorded.

With 5 dedicated slots, the conference will furthermore provide participants with a range of informal networking opportunities, including themed and private breakout rooms.

Registration will remain open up to and during the conference. Please join us for what promises to be a very stimulating event. To register go to https://winir.org/?page=conferences&side=winir_2022&sub=registration. Please note that if you are not currently a member, you will need to add a membership to the cart before you can proceed to checkout.

We look forward to welcoming you in September.

Best wishes on behalf of the organizing committee,
