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Special Issue “Bringing polycentric systems into focus for environmental governance”


A special issue “Bringing polycentric systems into focus for environmental governance” edited by Tanya Hikkila, Sergio Villamayor-Tomas and Dustin Garrick has been published by Wiley Online Library. This special issue aims at strengthening the understanding of the diverse array of environmental governance systems and their performance by filling the gaps in literature with regard to concepts, theories and empirics of polycentric governance. The articles compiled in the special issue covers diverse research currently undertaken by scholars of polycentric research, who are using different methods, tools and diverse geographic locations to help provide new evidence on the nature and functioning of polycentric governance and aid in advancing theory. The authors of articles in this issue have made efforts to expand polycentricity theory beyond the emphasis on agency and comprise insights on the design of polycentric systems.

The special issue includes articles written by Elizabeth Baldwin, Paul McCord, Jampel Dell’Angelo & Tom Evans; Keith M. Carlisle & Rebecca L. Gruby; Nadine Jenny Shirin Schröder; Sergio Villamayor?Tomas; Andreas Thiel & Christine Moser; Fernando Tormos?Aponte & Gustavo A. García?López; Jack Mewhirter, Mark Lubell & Ramiro Berardo; Tanya Heikkila & Christopher M. Weible;

The Special Issue can be accessed using the link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/17569338/2018/28/4