Home Blog PCN Webinar on 5th August: Derek Kaunekis on impact of organizational diversity...

PCN Webinar on 5th August: Derek Kaunekis on impact of organizational diversity on local climate adaptation implementation


Dear PCN Members and visitors,

were happy to let you know about the 8th. session on our continued webinar series on polycentric governance, taking place on August 5th., 5 p.m. CET ( Find your time here).
Dr. Derek Kaunekis will present on impact of organizational diversity on local climate adaptation implementation with displaying statistical analysis from his latest research, to elaborate on concepts for understanding and theorizing polycentric governance. Find the Zoom-link and all further information on the webinars subpage: https://polycentricity.iasc-commons.org/index.php/webinar/

The recordings of the last session with Praneeta Mudliar and all prior session can be watched here: https://polycentricity.iasc-commons.org/index.php/webinar/PGWebinarRecordings