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Webinar miniseries “Polycentric Governance and Infrastructures”


Dear colleagues,

Please join us for the first episode of our webinar miniseries on Polycentric Governance and Infrastructures taking place virtually this week on Thursday, February 3, at 17:00 CET/UTC+1.

Our guest speaker is Prof. Rolf Künneke, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, who will be presenting and discussing “The interrelatedness between technology and institutions in network infrastructures: A polycentric perspective”.

In his presentation, Prof. Künneke will discuss key concepts from his recently co-authored book “Network Infrastructures. Technology meets Infrastructure” through the lenses of polycentric governance. This session will be the first episode of our three-part miniseries exploring avenues of research using concepts of polycentric governance in the field of infrastructures.

To join the talk, click on the link in the flyer below, and don’t forget to save the dates for the further two sessions of the miniseries.

We look forward to insightful discussions with the community!

About the book “Network Infrastructures. Technology meets Institutions“: