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Call for papers: ECPR General Conference 2021 – Panel “Disentangling Bounded Rationality in the IAD Framework”


Chairs: Renata Buriti & Andreas Thiel (University of Kassel)

Discussants: Tanya Heikkila (University of Colorado Denver) & Sergio Villamayor Tomas (Autonomous University of Barcelona)

The Institutional Analysis and Development Framework (IADF) is grounded in an open-minded rational choice approach, that considers actors’ modes of action selection, mental models, and heuristic frameworks but also features of the context (salience of issues or culture). Emotions are less well integrated. Jurisdictional scale or type of collective and decision are further aspects that potentially qualify the bounded rationality assumption of the IADF. The panel invites contributions that aim at capturing these dimensions of actors’ choices as much as it wonders how institutions structure these behavioral aspects and vice-versa in different realms of public policy and collective action.

The panel shall be included in the section “Addressing Rationality and Irrationality in Policy Process Theories” of the ECPR General Conference 2021 (31 August – 3 September, Innsbruck, Austria) which addresses emotions and other irrational aspects of the policy process. Policy process frameworks address irrationality in different ways but tend to emphasize various conceptions of bounded rationality. Hence, it is fruitful to assess and revise how frameworks incorporate irrationality in their conceptualizations.


Authors that want to submit their paper to the panel should send the paper proposals directly via email to the panel chairs by the 1st of February 2021. The paper proposals should conform with the requirements by the ECPR and should indicate the author details (including the email address registered at the ECPR), the paper title (no more than 20 words), and the abstract (no more than 500 words).

Paper proposals that cannot be considered for the panel but that generally fit the section will be shared with the Section Chairs to allow for other panels to potentially include the paper.

Please send your paper proposals to Renata Buriti (re.buriti@gmail.com)

For further information on the Section and ECPR dates and deadlines, please visit: