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CALL FOR PAPERS: ECPR 2021 – Panel on Policy Process Theories and Medium to Long-term Policy Change


Chairs: Arvind Lakshmisha (Universität Kassel) & Andreas Thiel

Discussants: Colette S. Vogeler (TU Braunschweig) and Elizabeth B. Baldwin (University of Arizona)

Policy process theories model policy change. Agency and different kinds overlaying structures (temporal, spatial, jurisdictional) and their interrelations play a role. In this panel we aim to discuss contributions that address medium to long term processes of change in policies and collective organization. We reflect, what role assumptions about agency and modes of choice play, and the conceptual and methodological strengths and weaknesses of various policy process theories in explaining change. Contributions that discuss and explain medium to long term change in policies and collective organization are invited to this debate.

Authors, interested to submit their paper to the panel are requested to send their paper proposals directly via email to the panel chairs by 01 February 2021. The paper proposals should conform to the requirements by the ECPR and should indicate the author details (including the email address registered at the ECPR), the paper title (no more than 20 words), and the abstract (no more than 500 words).

Please send your paper proposals to Arvind Lakshmisha (arvind@uni-kassel.de).

For further information on the Section and ECPR dates and deadlines, please visit:
? Section Details – https://ecpr.eu/Events/Event/SectionDetails/1145
? Proposing a Paper – https://ecpr.eu/Events/Event/Content?ID=916&EventID=151

We are looking forward to receiving your proposals and wish you a good start into 2021.

Arvind and Andreas