Home Blog NAS Webinar this thursday:

NAS Webinar this thursday:


Dear colleagues,

Please join us for the third episode of our webinar miniseries on Network of action Situation taking place this Thursday, June 2. at 17:00 CEST. (check your time)

The talk will consist of two presentations with time for discussion after each one. First up is Ines Dombrowsky (German Development Institute), who tries “Unravelling hidden factors explaining competition for and overuse of groundwater in Azraq, Jordan: Digging deeper into a network of action situations”,

followed by Juan Felipe Ortiz Riomalo (University Osnabrück), talking about “Participatory interventions for collective action and sustainable resource management: linking actors, situations and contexts through the IAD, NAS and SES frameworks”

About the speakers:
Ines Dombrowsky holds a PhD in Economics and an MSc in Environmental Engineering and heads the Research Programme ‘Environmental Governanceand Transformation to Sustainability’ at the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE). Her research, grounded ininstitutional economics and political sciences, focuses on coordination and cooperation in environmental governance across levels, sectors, actor types and scales. A particular thematic focus lies on water and the water-energy-food-climate nexus. She has published widely on water governance issuesfrom transboundary to local scales. She has prior work experience with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ (2001-2010), the World Bank (1997-2001) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) (1995-1997).

Juan Felipe Ortiz Riomalo is a Postdoctoral researcher at Stefanie Engel’s Professorship of Environmental Economics, Osnabrück University -Germany-. He investigates the processes behind the making and enforcement of environmental and natural resource policies, focusing on the features of such processes that foster, or hinder, individual and collective pro-social action to overcome social dilemmas.

The link for all talks of the series is https://uni-kassel.zoom.us/j/96213657772?pwd=T0JJdXBsd0JhVm9mTjYyWklpTmpEQT09

We look forward to insightful discussions with the community!