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Polycentricty Webinar – 01 December 2022


Presentation by Nora Schuetze from University of Kassel about her work on “Disentangling the nuances of coordination in polycentric water governance in Spain” on 01 December 2022. 

About the Presenter:

Nora Schütze is a postdoctoral researcher at the Section of International Agricultural Policy and Environmental Governance, University of Kassel. She works in the BONEX-Project funded by the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area Programme (PRIMA). BONEX explores and develops specific solutions promoting the linking of governance with practice to overcome barriers of the Water, Energy, Food, and Ecosystems Nexus (WEFE) in the Mediterranean.

Nora completed her doctoral thesis on the analysis of determinants, patterns of interaction, and performance of polycentric water governance in Spain in 2022. The empirical focus of her thesis was on planning and implementation processes of the EU Water Framework Directive that aimed at a reduction of agricultural water consumption in three different Spanish River Basin Districts.

The webinar as always will be held at 17:00 CET (UCT +1). Check your local time here: https://everytimezone.com/s/5d

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