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Andreas Thiel

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German, English
University of Kassel, Section: International Agricultural Policy and Environmental Governance

Polycentricity is foremost an exciting research agenda for me concerning productive and desirable ways to structure human interrelations to the environment institutionally. I particularly cherish the thinking together of economic and political mechanisms in polycentricity and its democratic and empowering dimensions. My research particularly addresses institutional change and constitutional rules in environmental and specifically water governance.

Thiel, A. (2016) The polycentricity approach and the research challenges confronting environmental governance. THESys Discussion Paper No. 2016-1. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Pp. 1-27. edoc.hu-berlin.de/series/thesysdiscpapers
Thiel, A, Schleyer, C., Hinkel J., Schlüter, M. Hagedorn, K., Bisaro S., Bobojonov I., Hamidov, A (2016) Williamson’s discriminating alignment to the analysis of environmental governance of social-ecological interdependence. Ecological Economics
Thiel, A. Mukhtarov, F., Zikos, D. (2015) Crafting or designing? Science and politics for purposeful institutional change in Social–Ecological Systems. Environmental Science & Policy 53 (2015) 81 – 86
Thiel, A., Adamseged, M.E., Baake, C. (2015). Evaluating an instrument for institutional crafting: How Ostrom's social–ecological systems framework is applied. Environmental Science & Policy.
Thiel, A. (2015) Constitutional state structure and scalar re-organisation of natural resource governance: the transformation of polycentric water governance in Spain, Portugal and Germany. Land Use Policy. (Impact Factor: 3.134; 5yr impact Factor: 3.314)
Thiel, A. (2014) Developing an analytical framework for reconstructing the scalar reorganisation of water governance as institutional change: the case of Southern Spain. Ecological Economics.
Farrel, K. N. and Thiel, A (2013) Guest Editorial - Nudging Evolution? Critical exploration of the potential and limitations of the concept of institutional fit for the study and adaptive management of social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society.

TransResScale (2013-2016) - Transformation of Scalar Organisation of Natural Resource Governance in the EU, research
PI: Andreas Thiel
Funded research project together with two PhD students at the Section Environmental Governance of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, funded by German Research Council (DFG) and Einstein Foundation Berlin
Description: This project wondered about the way water and marine governance transformed in Europe throughout the last decade because of the overarching European Water and Marine Strategy Framework Directives looking at the cases of Spain, Portugal and Germany. Findings were that constitutional structure in different countries as well as the technical and discursive mediation of water and marine management problems are key determinants of restructuring of governance. EU prescriptions play a role where transnational resources are addressed and where it suits national
https://www.uni-kassel.de/fb11agrar/en/sections/internationale-agrarpolitik-dach/internationale-agrarpolitik-und-umweltgovernance/forschung.htmlhttps ://www.uni-kassel.de/fb11agrar/en/sections/internationale-agrarpolitik-dach/internationale-agrarpolitik-und-umweltgovernance/forschung.html

Polycentric Governance – taking stock (2015 – ongoing), book project
Members of Editorial Group: Andreas Thiel, Bill Blomquist, Dustin Garrick
Description: This is a book project on which members of the polycentricity network collaborate. The purpose is to take stock of research on polycentric governance and deepen our understanding of it. That way, the book aims to consolidate research on polycentric governance in order to establish a more coherent research program on it.

STEER - Steering Capacity in Water Governance (2017-2020)
PI: Andreas Thiel, collaborative project with Claudia Pahl-Wostl (Head of Project) (University of Osnabrück), Andreas Lenschow (University of Osnabrück), Ines Dombrowsky (DIE-GDI)
Funded by Germany Ministry of Education and Research
Description: This project evaluate the role of coordination in nexus (cross-sectoral) governance and its performance. We rely ony 5 in-depth case studies and another extended set of cases in order to come to a diagnostic framework for determinants of successful coordination in nexus governance. Outcome will be a tool to develop strategies for improving steering capacities in nexus governance.