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Second Session Miniseries on PG and Infrastructures – Coupled Infrastructure Systems


Dear PGN Members,

The second episode of the webinar miniseries on Polycentric Governance and Infrastructures is taking place this week on Thursday, March 3, at 17:00 CET/ UTC + 1.

In this session, our guest speaker Prof. John Marty Anderies from the Arizona State University will be presenting “Exploring the design principles for governing robust, resilient, and equitable Coupled Infrastructures Systems”.

About the talk: “In this webinar, I will discuss how various infrastructure systems interact to generate critical feedback structures necessary to support our societies and their capacity to adapt to change. I will focus specifically on clarifying the notion of ‘soft infrastructures’ that are often invisible and frequently overlooked due to how various infrastructures are conceptualized in the literature and explore their role in designing critical feedback structures for robust governance.”

In his talk, Prof. Anderies will be building on his publication “Institutions and the performance of coupled infrastructure systems” (2016), which you find attached below.

Join the talk by clicking on the following Zoom Link: https://uni-kassel.zoom.us/j/99812535583?pwd=aDRUL1pxUzJYWjVjSVdkK1pBWlVJUT09 (Code: 305278)

Please feel free to share this post with anyone interested in this webinar.

The recording of the last session with Prof. Rolf Künneke (Feb 3) is available for logged-in users under the navigation tab “PG Webinars” on this page. Please note that the tab appears will only appear after logging in with your user account.