Home Blog Policentricity Network under new domain: polycentricity.iasc-commons.org

Policentricity Network under new domain: polycentricity.iasc-commons.org


Dear Members and visitors of the Polycentricity Network, we are happy to let you know our website is back up after some days of recreational effort.
As you noted, were now associated with the IASC. We hope to increase our visibility and connect to likeminded researchers with this transfer. Also, we were thus able to work on the technical background and ease future maintance of the website in order to focus on bringing more editorial content and other formats for you.
Howevery, no direct connection to the IASC was made and certainly membership isnt and will not be required for future engagement in the Network in any way.
The old website is still rechable, but not functional and will be shut down shortly. All content was transfered, so please change your bookmarks acordingly.
If you encounter anything missing or broken, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Best regards from Witzenhausen,
Andreas Thiel and the Editorial Board of the Polycentricity Network