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William Blomquist

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Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

Most governing arrangements seem to me to be polycentric, so I therefore believe understanding polycentricity is fundamental to inderstanding and explaining how institutions are designed and how they work. More specifically, I am interested in socio-ecological systems where there are multiple scales and other dimensions that characterize both the natural world and the social structures within which human beings act and interact. The multi-dimensional character of socio-ecological systems seems to generate, and perhaps even to require, polycentric arrangements for decision making and action, and this reinforces for me the importance of understanding polycentricity.

Schlager, Edella and William Blomquist. 2008. Embracing Watershed Politics. Boulder: University Press of Colorado

Kemper, Karin E., Ariel Dinar, and William Blomquist, eds. 2006. Integrated River Basin Management through Decentralization. Berlin: Springer

Working on a co-edited volume with Andreas Thiel and Dustin Garrick and several other colleagues on polycentric governance.

Collaborating with scholars at various universities on research on the implementation of California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA).

Implementing SGMA (Project began January 2016 and is ongoing). This is a collaborative effort involving faculty and other researchers at a number of universities (Stanford, Univ of California-Berkeley, Univ of California- Davis, University of Massachusetts, Sacramento State University, and IUPUI).
Funded by internal sources at the various universities.
Description: We are examining a) the processes of creation of new groundwater sustainability agencies in California, b) how they will coordinate with each other and with other local and state agencies, and c) how they will engage nongovernmental stakeholders in the development and implementation of groundwater sustainability plans that have to meet guidelines and deadlines established by the State of California, and d) how their performance may be measured and evaluated.