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Final Session Miniseries on PG and Infrastructures – Case Study UK Transport Sector


Dear PGN Members,

The third and final episode of the webinar miniseries on Polycentric Governance and Infrastructures is taking place on Thursday, April 7, at 17:00 CET/ UTC + 1.

In this session, our guest speaker, Dr. Muriel Bonjean Stanton, University of Leeds (UK), will present some early findings from an ongoing project on the UK transport sector.

About the talk: “Infrastructure systems in their current form are neither sustainable nor resilient. The UK Committee on Climate Change and the UK National Infrastructure Commission both point out the need for infrastructure to transform fundamentally to meet its UK sustainability development goals and net-zero commitments. This transformation requires a shift from traditional, reactive decision-making to a more anticipatory and vision-led approach, where the decisions taken can accommodate a range of future possible conditions and uncertainties. A UK public body responsible for coordinating transport services at the metropolitan level is pioneering anticipating change and developed a vision that sets out its ambition for its transport system in the long-term (20+years) and that guides its decision-making processes. However, how can such an organization implement and achieve its long-term vision in the highly complex, fragmented, and multi-level environment that is the UK transport sector?

This seminar will present some early findings from this project and will seek some insights and ideas from the participants to orientate the next stages of this ongoing project.

About the speaker: Dr. Muriel Bonjean Stanton is a Research Fellow in Decision-Making under Deep Uncertainty at the Sustainable Research Institute, University of Leeds (UK). Her ongoing research is centered around decision-making processes for infrastructure planning, investments, delivery, and management under conditions of deep physical and social uncertainties (e.g. climate change, Covid pandemic, behavioral change). More specifically, her current work explores how decision-makers can navigate these deep uncertainties and plan for more flexible, agile, and robust infrastructure that has the capacity to deliver services adaptively and reliably in the face of environmental and socio-economic changes. https://environment.leeds.ac.uk/see/staff/2672/muriel-bonjean-stanton

Join the talk by clicking on the following Zoom Link: https://uni-kassel.zoom.us/j/96152587478?pwd=R3hxNUdMRWFTQ1dvUnR0SHBKeWNJdz09
(Code: 707171)

Please feel free to share this post with anyone interested in this webinar.

The recording of the last session with Prof. John Marty Anderies (March 3) is available for logged-in users under the navigation tab “PG Webinars” on this page. Please note that the tab appears will only appear after logging in with your user account.