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Call for Contributions – ECPR General Conference (4 – 8 September 2023 in Prague)


At the ECPR General Conference (4 – 8 September 2023 in Prague), members of the polycentricity network are organizing a panel on “Analyzing complex policy issues through the Networks of Adjacent Action Situations”, which is part of the section Approaching Policy Conflicts and Crises in Policy Process Research.

This Panel invites Papers applying the Institutional Analysis and Development Framework to complex policy settings using the Networks of Adjacent Action Situations. Panel Chairs welcome Papers addressing related methodological (e.g., identifying AS and their boundaries) and conceptual questions (e.g., on power or polycentricity).

The deadline for abstract submission is Tuesday, 28 of February. You can submit your paper directly through the ECPR submission system by selecting the section (S08) and indicating in your abstract the panel to which your paper proposal is dedicated.

-Nora Schütze