Home Resources Event AGREE Virtual Winter School on “Sustainability of AGRi-Ecological Systems in the MENA...

AGREE Virtual Winter School on “Sustainability of AGRi-Ecological Systems in the MENA Region”


Call for Participation for the AGREE Virtual Winter School on “Sustainability of AGRi-Ecological Systems in the MENA Region” which takes place December 7-12, 2020.

The IAV Hassan-II Rabat (Morocco), the University of Carthage/INRGREF and ESA Mograne (Tunisia), the American University of Beirut (Lebanon), and the University of Kassel (Germany) are holding the joint Virtual Winter School for bringing together graduate students and early-career researchers from Germany and participating MENA countries. The virtual common program includes lectures and practice sessions focusing on concepts and methods for social-ecological systems’ and institutional analysis of agri-food systems and food production, in particular in the MENA Region.

The six-day event is scheduled to take place in a decentralized way with national groups meeting in Rabat (Morocco), Tunis (Tunisia), Beirut (Lebanon), and Witzenhausen (Germany) under consideration of legally required and adequate health and hygiene precautions. English is the official language.

We are looking for advanced Master students and early-stage PhD students with an adequate background in a relevant discipline and a keen interest in the topics sketched out in the Call. Given the limited number of grants, only selected students from each partner country will be able to participate. National travel and local accommodation will be paid thanks to generous funding from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Interested candidates are invited to send their applications including CV (2 pager in English), letter of motivation (ca. 350 words), and relevant university certificates (Graduation, MSc, etc.) by October 9, 2020 to agree@uni-kassel.de

Acceptance letters will be sent by the end of October 2020, the latest.

For more details visit: https://www.uni-kassel.de/fb11agrar/fileadmin/datas/fb11/Internationale_Agrarpolitik/Dokumente/AGREE_Virtual_Winter_School_Call_final.pdf

Please do not hesitate to contact us if there are any questions. E-Mail: agree@uni-kassel.de

Please distribute the call widely within your networks.

Best Regards,

Christian and Andreas (On Behalf of all Partners)